Community at CaribbeanReads

CaribbeanReads now has worked with a community of more than fifteen authors (some listed here) and about as many illustrators throughout the Caribbean. We try to create a collaborative environment even as each of our authors pursues different paths in life.Collaborate Hands by Tim Mossholder

There is a lot of talk in author community about how authors interact, whether they support each other or whether jealousy prevails. Admittedly, in an environment where it is difficult to succeed and where the path to success seems and subjective, it is hard to avoid feeling left behind while celebrating the success of others. However, these feelings only serve to hinder our own work and it is important to diminish the effect of those voices (hint: write about them). The truth is that there is space for a lot of authors to shine and the more we help each other, the larger that space becomes.

One of the ways that collaboration plays out at CaribbeanReads is in reviewing each other’s work and here is a prime example. Check out Joanne C. Hillhouse’s review of Greyborn Rising by Derry Sandy.
(Image by Tim Mossholder)

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Filed under Caribbean Lit News This Week

One Response to Community at CaribbeanReads

  1. Oswald Dawkins

    Well said. Keep up the good work.

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