Author Visits

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Children love author visits. When children meet the author of a book it encourages them to read that book and more. The fact that the adults organized the visit signals to the children that reading is important. Author visits are a wonderful way to promote literacy.

CaribbeanReads has a team of authors who are available for author’s visits depending on your needs and location.

We have spoken to thousands of students. We love to speak with children and can work with groups from kindergarten to teens, depending on your location. We can tailor our presentations to address small groups as well as large assemblies and to work with a particular part of the language curriculum.

Send an email to info at to schedule your visit today.

3 Responses to Author Visits

  1. Cynthia Grenyion

    Children need to have interaction with authors.In many contexts children believe that authors are dead people and that they have to come from distanced places.When we allow our children to have authentic experiences with authors they are motivated to become writers and better readers.

  2. Veronica blackman

    Interesting . I would like to know more.

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